The Weck™ Auto Endo5™ Automatic Hem-o-lok™ Clip Applier provides a high-quality, single-use automatic delivery applier with the trusted security of the Weck™ Hem-o-lok™ Clip, combined to empower surgeons with the choice for efficient, secure, and confident ligation.
Weck™ Hem-o-Lok™ Clip
5 mm shaft
35 cm shaft length
Last clip lockout
Manufacturing Focus
*Data on file
Rx Only.
Contraindications: Hem-o-lok™ Ligating Clips are not intended for use as a fallopian contraceptive tubal occlusion device. Hem-o-lok™ Ligating Clips are contraindicated for use in ligating the renal artery during laparoscopic donor nephrectomies.
Refer to package insert for complete warnings, indications, contraindications, precautions, potential complications and instructions for use.
Teleflex, the Teleflex logo, Endo5, Hem-o-lok, and Weck are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
Information in this material is not a substitute for the product Instructions for Use. Not
all products may be available in all countries. Please contact your local representative.
Revised: 01/2025.
MC-006240 Rev 6